About Us

Our Mission


Our Vision

God has given Transformation Church a heart to reach broken people. Many of our church family have experienced restoration from life controlling issues. At Transformation Church everyone will find a place to belong, find unconditional love, a safe place to ask questions, and a place to grow. Being authentic is one of our Core Values!

Our Core Values

Our Beliefs


…that Jesus is the Son of God, taking on humanity to reveal God to the world. He is the Savior of this world, taking on our sins through death on a cross and resurrecting so that we might have eternal life with God.

The Bible

…that the Bible is the inspired word of God.

The Holy Spirit

…the Holy Spirit dwells in believers and empowers them to live Godly lives.

The Trinity

… in one God who exists eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

… in the power of prayer and we encourage all to take their hearts to God through prayer.

… that all people are made in the likeness of God and that salvation is available to them through Jesus.

Our Team

Pastors Ron and Cari Wilson

Senior Pastors

Pastor Mike & Jackie

Worship Pastors

Pastor Mark & Annie

Assisting Pastors

Michael & Jackie

Kidz Church Leaders

Pastor Bodhi and Rachael Long

Media Pastors

Pastor Ronda and Buzzy Perrier

Assisting Pastors

Pastor Leslie and Joe Thomas

Assisting Pastors

Tim and Jazmine Williams

Youth Leaders

Pastor’s Curtis and Linda Robinson

Assisting Pastors

Mike and Jackie Galardi/Yeoman

Kidz Directors

Service Times

Sunday Morning Worship


10:00 AM

Family Night Wednesdays


6:30 PM

Contact Us

Address: 4947 E. Cleveland Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89104